Lincoln Financial Group Life Insurance Review 2017 Lincoln Life & Annuity Company - Education Blog

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Monday, April 24, 2017

Lincoln Financial Group Life Insurance Review 2017 Lincoln Life & Annuity Company

Lincoln Financial Group inspired authorization to utilize its image name from President Abraham Lincoln's child Robert Todd Lincoln in 1905. President Lincoln's profile still fills in as the organization's conspicuous logo, symbolizing quality and honesty. The organization is headquartered in Radnor, Pennsylvania.


Each extra security organization has its own particular principles about how to fit the bill for scope or get the best rates. Here are some of Lincoln Financial's endorsing rules:

Circulatory strain: For the best rates at Lincoln Financial, called "favored in addition to" rates, candidates up to age 69 ought to have a 12-month normal pulse of 130/80 or lower; age 70 and up ought to have 140/90 or lower. For the following best "favored" rates, candidates up to age 69 can have normal pulse up to 140/90; for those 70 or over, up to 155/90. Inside these necessities, candidates can have treated or untreated hypertension.

DWI (driving while inebriated): A DWI conviction or permit suspension inside the previous five years will bring about a disavowal for both "favored in addition to" and "favored" candidates.

Nicotine: For "favored in addition to" rates, there must be no nicotine use for as long as three years; periodic stogie utilize around 12 stogies a year is satisfactory if a pee test is negative for nicotine. For "favored" rates, there must be no nicotine use for as long as two years and up to 24 stogies a year are allowed insofar as a pee test is negative for nicotine.

Substance mishandle: For the best rates, there must be no history of liquor or medication manhandle for as far back as 10 years; for favored rates, inside the most recent seven years.

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